5 Top Lessons Travel Has Taught Me!

"Traveling; It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.."

Travel is the greatest teacher. We sometimes meet or know people who have traveled over to other countries and returned with wonderful and exciting stories. It is indeed a life changing experience that gives amazing memories to hold on to.

I never understood this until I, myself, went venturing. I have heard this from many and it had always been a dogma, that if you travel outside your place/country you start losing love for your people and place - which is not true. I have realized that, once I traveled outside my comfort zone, I had grown so much from when the people who know me last saw me and I had changed for the better; and have become rather more emotionally close to my place and loved ones ever before.

Here are few valuable lessons Travel has taught me: 



Traveling lets you experience different types of culture, meet new people and make new friends and connections. The interesting part of is that, the people around the world have completely different experience than yours which really can swap stories and learn new perspective!  



"True happiness can often be found in the simplest of moments." Its true that nothing lasts forever and we should learn to never take even the little things for granted. In our daily routine, we often forget to appreciate the little things like, watching the sunrise or sunset; savoring the moment while sipping that cup of coffee..or even noticing the people around us and their emotions. I believe if we have a roof over our head, have clean water to drink, and food to eat, we are more than lucky.

After experiencing some uncomfortable beds out there, traveling makes you realize, the warmth and the coziness of your own bed when you get home. Also, how about a proper bathroom?..Gosh!.. If you ever find yourself at a place, a bathroom with toilet paper is indeed a blessing we for sure take for granted. :)



I'm really not great with directions, but its okay!

People who know me well, they know I'm completely useless when it comes to directions. I need to go to the place several times before I'm comfortable and well acquainted. Now when I travel on my own, I take charge and become more mindful about my surroundings. Thanks to the technology!.. I also make sure to remember the important landmarks that pass by. 

Travel is all about accepting your weakness and learning how to overcome them.



On a day to day basis, despite of our efforts, we judge other people's beliefs, ideas, nature, behavior, and it could be from small things to over bigger issues. Perhaps, that is because we don't accept ourselves to accept anybody else. While traveling, you stop judging people and learn to be more open minded and learn our own strength and weakness and do the best we can with the available resources we have at the moment.



Sometimes I ask myself why does travel gives me so much emotional calm, and this makes me curious every time. For me, I think Travel is a 'Luxury', and 'Luxury' may not always be expensive --

Clean 'Water' and 'Air' is luxury,  'Space' is luxury,  'Time' is luxury,  'Experience' is luxury, and to Travel far and wide is luxury!!